Welcome to WordPress Made Easy aka. WP-ME.com
A website by WordPress users, for WordPress users!
We are one of the fastest-growing free WordPress resources sites on the internet.
Are interested in getting to know us?
We created this page to let you know more about us.
What is WP-ME.com?
WordPress Made Easy is a free unofficial resources site for WordPress.org, hat’s the self-hosted WordPress.
WordPress is software that powers millions and millions of websites around the globe (30%+ of all websites).
WP-ME.com talks about all things WordPress. The journey starts with showing you how to properly start a WordPress blog until we teach you how to make money out of it!
We also publish WordPress News, premium and free WordPress Plugin collections, WordPress Themes, tutorials, Blogging tips & tricks, WordPress hosting reviews, and everything in between.
When was WP-ME.com built?
WordPress Made Easy was founded on August 13th, 2015.
We started WordPress Made Easy to build a free resources site for all WordPress users especially beginners in order to help them build amazing websites.
WordPress Made Easy’s Mission
Our mission is to be a useful portal for all WordPress users especially beginners and to provide a lot of high-quality tutorials, resources, tips, tricks, hacks, reviews, and other WordPress resources that allow WordPress beginners to improve their sites.
We also provide coupons and discounts on Web Hosting, plugins, themes, services, tools, and more that will help you save some money.
Our Website is a free website we don’t have paid subscriptions or paid accounts.
If you need more information about our site you may find what you’re looking for in our: